You know you love to cook when you’ll make a dish that no one else in the house will eat. Case in point… The tradition of making black eyed peas on New Year’s Day to help start off the new year on a hopeful note for prosperity in the coming year (good story about that history in the NYT HERE).
One of my favorite food writers is Michael Ruhlman (who also has some amazing non-food books - scrolll to the bottom of THIS page check out ‘Walk On Water’). His latest post on his blog has a recipe for the very black eyed peas I am talking about. I have never made them before so I figured I would give it a try.
The ‘Hoppin John’ recipe on THIS page is incredible… So much so that I am thinking that maybe my wife will like it. She claims to not like black eyed peas but admits that she hasn’t had any since she was a kid (30+ years ago). My 21 year old son? “Too many beans” - my 19 year old daughter? “Not really a fan - especiially with those tomatoes”.
My final product was exceptional… between the bacon & tomatoes… with a small amount of heat. Just a satisfying and tasty dish. I highly suggest you try this. I know I’ll make it again… regardless of who else isn’t eating it in my house.